Christmas Abbott Featured on Nascar Race Hub

Christmas Abbott got into NASCAR for changing tires in MWR Pit Crew last year. She has been a tremendous athelete and a lady who has got amazing tattoos on her body. She runs CrossFit Invoke in Raliegh and has an amazing journey in her life.

Christmas Abbott NASCAR Race Hub

She was featured on NASCAR Race Hub in 2013 and in below video you can see her telling about her amazing journey and how she ended up into NASCAR.

What do you see when you look at me? I am not who you think I am, I am different. I have tattoos, muscles and an attitude, but you have to know my story to understand me. It hasn't been an easy life but it’s mine. Where I came from and where I have been has shaped me, made me and even broken me along the way....

At 13 my life changed instantly, after a horrific Car Accident.

That night I walked out of the hospital without any scratches. But my big sister Cole, she didn't. You take your here on you strike them down and make them human. You know it’s just affects you, it’s my sister you know. I almost lost my sister. While Cole was in a comma fighting for her life, I fought to keep it together.

You know, I have a lot of vivid memories from that whole experience; I definitely started to trail on the other side, on the darker side I guess you can call it. Just kept drifting further and further away.

Against all odds, Cole pulled through. SHE MADE IT!!! SHE SURVIVED!!!

My life was never the same since, no one’s was...

By the time I hit my twenties, everyone had moved on with their life, I couldn't.  I didn't knew what I wanted from life, but life wanted from me. At that time it seemed like my mom and I were world apart and little did I know we were about to be...

Funny how fate works because my life was about to take a similar turn... I was going to IRAQ.

It would be an opportunity to step outside my comfort zone and to see something a little bit different. Once I got over there I realized how important all these tiny little jobs were, for people like you took people's laundry and I was like yes but it allows military and the state department be able to focus on important stuff.

That sharp turn I was telling you about was not finding IRAQ it’s what I found when I got there.

One of the guys at the GYM came up and he had his laptop with him and had pre-downloaded this video of a CrossFit workout. I was that's... What that is? What do you mean CrossFit? What is that? OK... well that's what I want to do. It just totally took me down a different path and I am grateful for it.

After 4 Years in IRAQ

After 4 years in IRAQ, you just start missing home, you just start missing been able to cook your own food, and you start missing been able to clean your own house. I wanted ten full minutes of hot water... hahaha. Yeah, it was time to come back home and start my own life.

You know my parents insisted on good work ethics and they said that anything you want you have to do yourself and it’s been a huge (HUGE) gift of my life.

How did Christmas Abbott got into NASCAR?

I discovered NASCAR through CrossFit. It’s really kind of wild, I got in doing a pit challenge, and Ted Bullard had coordinated it. As a CrossFitter anything that is intense has my interest. I hadn't found something that I was passionate about since CrossFit.

My intention is not to blaze trails or to walk in the footsteps of the women who have come before me. It’s simply to follow my passion, allow my heart to lead me and so far I like where it is taking me.

I work really hard for anything that I have and am really grateful that my coach saw something in me to hire me on.
It takes a lot of time and a lot of work. Anybody can do this and it is an open door opportunity if you allow it to be and if you want it, it’s there for you to take.

This is not the END; this is just the BEGININNING... ;)