Christmas Abbott Workout

Christmas never had any athletic background but she worked her way up in CrossFit, besides this she had played sports for only two years in her middle school and now CrossFit has become her sport and the reason of her being an athlete.

Christmas Abbott Workout at CrossFit Invoke

Christmas Abbott Diet

Christmas eats strict Paleo food, eats clean and listens to her body. Well not 100% Paleo because she is a human too, Christmas gives her a cheat away once a week to satisfy herself. She weighs and measure her food and to determine every aspect and is very strict with her diet.



She mostly do workout at CrossFit Affiliate, writing her own programming and recording her workouts. She also owns and coach at CrossFit Invoke. Currently she is looking into a new sport i.e. NASCAR so her training has taken a slight turn as it is all in the spirit of CrossFit and her eagerness to learn new sports.


Her Work/Rest Schedule

She does multiple workouts in a day, atleast twice a week. Her other two days consist of NASCAR Pit Practice changing front tyres of the cars with Airgun which she actually loves alot, and then CrossFit Training with an additional yoga class.

Her Experience with CrossFit

She first started at CrossFit without a coach that is trying it alone and then gradually scaled it up. She has completed the the CrossFit Level 1 certificate course and has attended many specialty courses. Ms. Abbott started in 2006 overseas before moving back to the country and now she is on the CFHQ Training Staff and train other people which her dream come true. "I have had a life changing experience due to CrossFit" - Christmas says.

Christmas Abbott Workout at Nascar Pit Crew