Christmas Abbott Diet

I guess everyone is much familiar with the name Christmas Abbott and people are impressed by her physique specifically her workout. I got many emails asking that how does she gets all that strength to lift weights and workout so much, what are eating habits ? What should one eat or not eat while working out his way up at CROSSFIT?

So, we tried and contacted Christmas about this and she was more than happy to share her diet plan with us for those who want to know what she eats which you can find below. She also mentioned that apart from the fact that she follows the diet chart seriously there are some cheat days in between where she eats all her favourite food like Cupcakes (preferably filled with custard) and recommends the same to you guys to take a Cheat Day once in a week and eat whatever you heart desires, It helps in keeping you motivated, staying fit and keeping your mind healthy.

Do read about her complete Interview Here

Here is the Christmas Abbott Diet Chart


7AM - 2 Progenex shake of MM (1 scoop) almond milk, frozen berries, almond butter blended together. I use my bullet for this so I put it in the blender cup and drink out of it.
7:30 AM - PTF
9:00 AM - PIT TRAINING Recovery shake (2 scoops) with coconut water - drink immediately after training
9:30 AM -  2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, apple, almond butter & water
12:00-1:00PM - 2 baked chicken breast, broccoli/carrot medley, spinach, almond butter & water
3:30 PM - 2 baked chicken breast, broccoli/carrot medley, spinach, almond butter & water
4:45 PM -  PTF
5-6PM - WOD Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training, sometimes 1 scoop recovery & 1 scoop of MM.
7:30 PM - 3 Turkey meatloaf, sautéed spinach, macadamia nuts & water
10:30 PM - 1 small Progenex shake with almond milk, 1/2 apple, almond butter & water

If you find it difficult to cook delicious paleo meals with tasty ingredients then please read our Paleo Coobook Series.


7AM - 2 Progenex shake of MM, almond milk, frozen berries, almond butter blended together. I use my bullet for this so I put it in the blender cup and drink out of it.
7:30 AM - PTF
9:00 AM - PIT TRAINING Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training
9:30 AM - 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, apple, almond butter & water
12:00-1:00PM - 2 meatloaf, broccoli/carrot medley, 1/2 avocado  & water
3:30 PM - 2 meatloaf, 1 orange, 1/2 avocado &  water
4:45 PM - PTF
5-6PM - WOD Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training
7:30 PM - 3 Crockpot: pork loin, sweet potatoes, apples, bacon. 1/2 avocado for fat & water
10:30 PM - 1 small Progenex shake with almond milk, 1/2 apple, almond butter &  water


7AM - 2 Progenex shake of MM, almond milk, frozen berries, almond butter blended together. I use my bullet for this so I put it in the blender cup and drink out of it.
7:30 AM - PTF
9:00 AM - PIT TRAINING Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training
9:30 AM - 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, apple, almond butter & water
12:00-1:00PM - 2 Pork Loin, 1/2 avocado & water
3:30 PM - 2 turkey deli meat, tomatoes, mustard, cucumber slices, 1/2 avocado rolled in butter lettuce, 1 orange & water
4:45 PM - PTF
5-6PM - PIT TRAINING Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training
7:30 PM - 4 pork lion, 1/2 avocado & water
10:30 PM - water


7AM - 2 Progenex shake of MM, almond milk, frozen berries, almond butter blended together. I use my bullet for this so I put it in the blender cup and drink out of it.
7:30 AM - PTF
9:00 AM - PIT TRAINING Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training
9:30 AM - 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, apple, almond butter & water
12:00-1:00PM - 2 turkey deli meat, tomatoes, mustard, cucumber slices, 1/2 avocado rolled in butter lettuce. 1 orange & water
3:30 PM - 2 grilled chicken breast, fall squash with butter, almond butter & water
7:30 PM - 4 grilled chicken breast, fall squash with butter, almond butter. Dessert: almond butte stuffed dates wrapped in bacon - 2 dates & water
10:30 PM - small shake with almond milk, apple, almond butter & water


8:00 AM - 2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, apple, almond butter
9:00 AM - PTF
9:30 AM - WOD
10:30 AM - Pogenex Recovery Shake w/ coconut water & water
11:30 AM - 3 Sushi at local restaurant. Salmon sashimi, spicy tuna roll, seaweed salad, add avocado soda water with lime
3:30 PM - 2 salad with chicken, oranges, apples, avocado, grapes, pine nuts, macadamia nuts. Balsamic vinegar for dressing soda water with lime
6:30 PM - TRAVEL Varies on weekend
7:30 PM - 3 Varies on weekend water
10:30 PM - 1 small progenex shake with water, apple, 1/2 almond butter water


7:00 AM - 2 Eggs, bacon, toast, almond butter water
8:00 AM - Coffee - latté or Americano
9:00 AM - CF LV1 warm up for demo
11:30 AM - 2 turkey deli meat, fruit, nuts water
11:30 AM - PTF
12:00-1:00PM - WOD Progenex Recovery shake with coconut water
3:00 PM - 3 turkey deli meat, fruit, nuts water
7:00 PM - 4 Cheat night. Dinner is usually well behaved but dessert or wine is usually taken this time. Wine or soda water with lime
10:30 PM - 1 nothing OR left overs or small shake & lots of fish oil! & water


7:00 AM - 2 eggs, bacon, toast, almond butter water
8:00 AM - coffee - latté or Americano
9:00 AM - CF LV1 warm up for demo
11:30 AM - 2 turkey deli meat, fruit, nuts water
11:30 AM - PTF
12:00-1:00PM - WOD Progenex Recovery shake with coconut water
3:00 PM - 3 turkey deli meat, fruit, nuts water
7:00 PM - 3 Travel - Airport dinner. I try to keep this CLEAN water
10:30 PM - 1 small progenex shake with water in route home water

So these was all about the eating habits of Christmas Abbott, if you guys want to know how much she exercises and what kinds of exercises she does do checkout this article.

UPDATE  : (Her Holiday Drink) ;)

My check out holiday drink that is guilt free is a simple tonic (soda drink) with line as well as a a little cranberry. To easily want grown-up version of this and nevertheless maintain your calories low then simply add vodka or gin. It is just a refreshing drink that one could have anywhere! Make sure you drink responsibly and do not drink and drive. Have a designated driver or splurge for a cab, it is worthwhile to have them.