Christmas Abbott Featured on Nascar Race Hub

Christmas Abbott got into NASCAR for changing tires in MWR Pit Crew last year. She has been a tremendous athelete and a lady who has got amazing tattoos on her body. She runs CrossFit Invoke in Raliegh and has an amazing journey in her life.

Christmas Abbott NASCAR Race Hub

She was featured on NASCAR Race Hub in 2013 and in below video you can see her telling about her amazing journey and how she ended up into NASCAR.


Christmas Abbott - First Female NASCAR Pit Crew Member

Christmas Abbott is the first female NASCAR Pit Crew Member and this fact is pretty much known to every NASCAR fan out there. Seriously, I cant wait for the NASCAR racing to start next year which is only a few months to go. So here we got a quick interview of Christmas Abbott - The CrossFit Star Athlete which was done by CBS few days ago. As it gives insights about her life it also explains a lot about her tattoos and from where she gets so much strength, so am guessing her fans (you guys) are really waiting to get your hands on it and will not make you wait much longer, Here you go...

christmas abbott -  First Female NASCAR Pit Crew Member

We began this half hour with a  young women named 'Christmas' which is a story in itself at this time of year but there is a lot more to Christmas Abbott than her name.


Christmas Abbott - CrossFit and NASCAR Queen with Thirteen Tattoos and Counting

Christmas is not a nickname, I was born pretty close to Christmas and they had a different name picked out for me but when I was born my mom was like this is my Christmas joy and that is what she literally named me.

Christmas Abbott Pistol Tattoo on Right Hip
( Christmas Abbott Pistol Tattoo on Right Hip )

I love changing tyres and I will never stop. Given all the women in the man's world, you know they are given something to be on their toes about, but it’s been one of the most challenging things of my life. The guys at Motorsport’s - those guys are studs, and they were just really welcoming and I intend on going back.


Christmas Abbott Diet

I guess everyone is much familiar with the name Christmas Abbott and people are impressed by her physique specifically her workout. I got many emails asking that how does she gets all that strength to lift weights and workout so much, what are eating habits ? What should one eat or not eat while working out his way up at CROSSFIT?

So, we tried and contacted Christmas about this and she was more than happy to share her diet plan with us for those who want to know what she eats which you can find below. She also mentioned that apart from the fact that she follows the diet chart seriously there are some cheat days in between where she eats all her favourite food like Cupcakes (preferably filled with custard) and recommends the same to you guys to take a Cheat Day once in a week and eat whatever you heart desires, It helps in keeping you motivated, staying fit and keeping your mind healthy.

Do read about her complete Interview Here

Here is the Christmas Abbott Diet Chart


7AM - 2 Progenex shake of MM (1 scoop) almond milk, frozen berries, almond butter blended together. I use my bullet for this so I put it in the blender cup and drink out of it.
7:30 AM - PTF
9:00 AM - PIT TRAINING Recovery shake (2 scoops) with coconut water - drink immediately after training
9:30 AM -  2 eggs, 3 slices of bacon, apple, almond butter & water
12:00-1:00PM - 2 baked chicken breast, broccoli/carrot medley, spinach, almond butter & water
3:30 PM - 2 baked chicken breast, broccoli/carrot medley, spinach, almond butter & water
4:45 PM -  PTF
5-6PM - WOD Recovery shake with coconut water - drink immediately after training, sometimes 1 scoop recovery & 1 scoop of MM.
7:30 PM - 3 Turkey meatloaf, sautéed spinach, macadamia nuts & water
10:30 PM - 1 small Progenex shake with almond milk, 1/2 apple, almond butter & water


Christmas Abbott Workout

Christmas never had any athletic background but she worked her way up in CrossFit, besides this she had played sports for only two years in her middle school and now CrossFit has become her sport and the reason of her being an athlete.

Christmas Abbott Workout at CrossFit Invoke

Christmas Abbott Diet

Christmas eats strict Paleo food, eats clean and listens to her body. Well not 100% Paleo because she is a human too, Christmas gives her a cheat away once a week to satisfy herself. She weighs and measure her food and to determine every aspect and is very strict with her diet.


Christmas Abbott Interviewed at CrossFit Games 2013

Christmas Abbott was there at the 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games and was interviewed by some journalists about her journey till date, her diet plan and her upcoming plans.

Find out how she answers about her upcoming plans at NASCAR, Christmas Abbott's Diet plan and shows the love for her dog 'Fran' in the interview below.

Interviewer 1: So people want to know about the Christmas Abbott Diet, what does Christmas eat and maintain her figure with so much energy as always?

Abbott: A firm believe in so, I do Paleo Diet as often as I can which is just primal meets and I try & stay away from the process of fluids but during competition season I am trained so much that I need more calorie intake, so it’s important for me that I have a balance between Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats and I love FATS!!!.. Ha Ha ... So don't take that away from me.. and I do make sure that once or twice a week I getaway on a cheat just for my mental ability and to make sure that I don't deprive myself from the things that I emotionally want.

Interview of Christmas Abbott at CrossFit Games 2013

Interviewer 2: So am going to ask a question, if you are going to say.. Like hi - here I first.. (Give me a go)... Yeah... Go.

Abbott: Hi, I am Christmas Abbott here at the Reebok CrossFit Games.


Christmas Abbott Biography In Her Own Words !!!

Christmas Abbott is the rising star of the NASCAR crew pit, she has recently joined as front tire changer and this is a short biography of her life in her own words.

Christmas Abbott Biography In Her Own Words !!!


I am Christmas Abbott and I grew up in Lynchburg Virginia.
I am one of the Level 1 CrossFit Headquarter Seminar Staff. I also own CrossFit Invoke in Raleigh, North Carolina and I am currently training to become a NASCAR Pit Crew Member.